This episode focuses on the importance of carrier safety, particularly in relation to heat-related illnesses.
Corey starts by wishing a happy retirement to his mentor, Lou Drass, whom he considers a juggernaut in the union world. He emphasizes the importance of mentorship and the need for strong leadership within the union.
Corey then dives into the topic of heat safety, using a recent grievance filed by a carrier as an example. The grievance stemmed from a station manager who told carriers they could only take one break in the heat, even during periods of excessive heat. This decision was challenged by the shop steward, and the DRT (Dispute Resolution Team) ultimately ruled in favor of the carrier.
The episode details several important M-documents and OSHA citations related to heat safety. M-document 1860 details a memorandum of understanding between the USPS and the National Association of Letter Carriers on heat abatement programs. OSHA citations regarding heat illness, including the definition of heat exhaustion and heat stroke, and the necessity to call 911 in case of a heat-related emergency, are also discussed.
Corey strongly encourages listeners to educate themselves about these documents and the relevant laws, and to be prepared to file grievances to protect their safety. He emphasizes that management often prioritizes numbers over safety and encourages carriers to always prioritize their own safety.
The episode is a powerful reminder of the need for union members to be informed and to stand up for their rights, particularly when it comes to protecting their health and well-being.