Episode 61: I know what you did. Discussing the new memos. M-1982 M-1984

This episode delves into Corey’s response to new USPS memos (M-01982 and M-01984) concerning route adjustments, connecting it to a past grievance experience. Corey recounts a previous grievance where he possessed damning evidence of management using covert surveillance techniques, but the case was inexplicably dropped by the union, which he believes was due to internal collusion. This experience fuels his current anger towards the new memos, which he views as legitimizing the same surveillance tactics he fought against previously. He believes these memos, enabling management to scrutinize carrier data, are a direct result of his lost grievance. Corey plans to read the memos verbatim in the current and following episode, despite anticipating listener boredom, to make the information readily available. He emphasizes the importance of carriers keeping their scanners on their person at all times to avoid misinterpretations of their work activity. Corey shares insights from a colleague whose station already underwent this route adjustment process, highlighting that management rigorously challenges any deviations from what they consider standard times (e.g., loading time), even using scanner malfunctions as excuses to disregard data. This colleague’s experience also revealed a concerning instance where, after the route adjustment review, a management representative stated they could not discipline based on the data but would grant management access to it. The union representative’s inaction in this situation infuriates Corey. Corey encourages carriers to actively protect their routes, fight for every detail, and use the provided memos and contract language as tools in their defense, emphasizing that carriers must be their own advocates. Finally, Corey clarifies his passion stems from a deep-seated love and loyalty for his fellow letter carriers, whom he considers his family. He expresses strong disapproval of cowardice within the union and urges a more proactive and aggressive approach to fighting for better working conditions. The episode ends with a promise to read memos 01982 and 01984, and memo 01983 the following week, with a final reminder to prioritize safety and self-care, especially during periods of extreme heat.

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