Episode 71: Question and answer time with Executive Vice President Brian Renfroe.

A discussion between Corey and Brian Renfroe, executive vice president for the National Association of Letter Carriers. They discuss several topics, including:

The new “TIAREAP” process: This new process uses GPS data to track and evaluate carriers’ routes, which has led to some conflict with carriers feeling watched.

The upcoming contract negotiations: They discuss the importance of pushing for an all-career workforce, higher starting pay, and a full cost-of-living adjustment.

The NALCs relationship with the Postal Service: They discuss how the NALCs relationship with management is professional, but disagreements still occur.

The role of the Regional Grievance Assistants (RGAs): They discuss the importance of RGAs in supporting small branches and their role in handling grievances.

The “redline” policy: This policy prohibits carriers from doing certain things, which can be a point of contention.

The lack of union representation in some areas: They discuss the importance of strong representation and how to address it.


They also discuss the importance of the upcoming election for the NALCs leadership. They encourage viewers to vote and be informed about the issues.


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