Episode 124: Salted peanuts with an emphasis on Management instructing us to curtail mail forcing us into an undertime status.

This episode of From A to Arbitration is a passionate discussion on Corey’s frustration with the NALC’s leadership and management’s tactics, primarily concerning the curtailment of mail to force carriers into undertime status. Corey begins by thanking Ron Speakman and previews upcoming episodes.

The episode’s core focus is Corey’s criticism of management’s tactics and the union’s perceived lack of effective response. Corey argues that management is strategically using mail curtailment and route adjustments to create undertime situations for carriers, which is a violation of the contract, and that the union’s leadership isn’t adequately defending its members. He presents several specific examples from B-team decisions and arbitration cases where carriers were instructed to curtail mail, forcing them into undertime.

The episode includes detailed analyses of contractual provisions (like Article 41), arbitration decisions, and the lack of clear guidance and proactive measures from the union. Corey highlights instances where he believes management is deliberately trying to circumvent the contract to avoid overtime pay, and the union has allowed this to happen.

A significant portion is dedicated to dissecting how management’s actions violate specific articles and sections of the contract. Corey presents multiple examples from arbitration decisions to support his argument that management has violated their obligations, including the lack of notice for adjustments, the use of inaccurate workload projections, and the failure of local officials to adequately support their members in the face of these situations. Corey argues that the union’s inadequate response, relying on general language rather than precise cease-and-desist orders, has left carriers vulnerable.


The episode concludes with a passionate plea for a more militant approach within the union, especially from the business agents’ offices. Corey expresses dissatisfaction with a lack of education and proactive measures from the union’s leadership and emphasizes his belief in a more aggressive, proactive strategy. Corey foreshadows future episodes by outlining topics like the grievances of the month and the need to hold management accountable, while simultaneously highlighting his belief in the necessity for a stronger and more unified union.


Credit NALC Branch 3825

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