Episode 147: Salted peanuts and a special guest. One man’s redemption against Otis and stay puft.

This episode of From A to Arbitration is a passionate critique of the current union leadership, specifically targeting the perceived inaction and lack of accountability of the union president and executive vice president. Corey expresses frustration with the union’s handling of recent issues and the lack of support for letter carriers on the workroom floor.

The episode opens with a quote from Lord Acton about the corrupting influence of power, directly referencing Corey’s concerns about the union’s leadership. Corey reviews the Weir Report, criticizing the lack of transparency surrounding the report’s findings and the union’s failure to inform members about these issues. He criticizes union leaders who knew about the report’s content but did not act, arguing that they should be held accountable for dereliction of duty.

He uses the example of shop steward Susie Miller, whose case highlighted the union’s failure to support members. Corey further critiques the union’s handling of issues regarding the implementation of the one-hour office time policy and the conflict this creates with carriers’ contractual rights, their perceived lack of response to issues involving carrier harassment.

Corey calls out the union’s leadership for their perceived lack of resolve, cowardice, and inaction, stating that this environment empowers management to further exploit letter carriers. He decries the lack of support for letter carriers and the lack of protection against what he sees as management’s harassment tactics.

The episode continues with a discussion of the sorting and delivery centers (S&DCs) consolidation plans, where Corey supports a resolution from NALC Branch 3 to oppose the implementation. He advocates for a united front and calls for the mobilization of letter carriers to support the opposition.

The episode further discusses a recent arbitration case win, highlighting the importance of thorough documentation in grievance cases, using Jason Crosby’s work as an example of effective case preparation. He emphasizes the need for stewards to effectively investigate and document employee grievances. Corey also features a special guest, arbitrator Troy Swallow, who discusses the circumstances surrounding his removal from arbitration duties. The special guest is critical of the process and the actions of union leadership.


Corey concludes with a call to action, reiterating his commitment to letter carriers and advocating for a unified, assertive stance against management’s actions, emphasizing the need for a new leadership team that prioritizes the letter carriers’ needs. He also previews future episodes on Publication 552 and the outcome of the recent arbitration case. A central theme is the importance of actively fighting against management’s unreasonable practices through well-documented grievances and a unified front among the letter carriers.


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