This episode of From A to Arbitration is a passionate call to action and a detailed discussion of ongoing issues within the union, focusing on the need for a new leadership ticket and financial support for the “Concerned Letter Carriers” (CLC) initiative.
The episode opens with announcements of upcoming guests (David Noble, Nicholas Vafiades, and others) and previews a series of episodes focused on crucial issues. Corey immediately praises a shop steward, Joshua, for successfully obtaining financial compensation for his branch.
He highlights several upcoming meetings (including a Zoom meeting on June 2nd with Tyler Vasseur) and urges members to get involved in the CLC movement and support it financially, stating the necessity of financial resources for the election effort. He likens the current union leadership to cicadas – making noise but ultimately being fleeting – and stresses that the CLC ticket is vital for change.
Corey then addresses concerns that he’s soliciting funds for himself. He clarifies that all donations will be directed toward the CLC ticket. He discusses a personal anecdote about his initial efforts, including a near-coop from the National union to support his efforts, and how the union thwarted his efforts. He uses this to emphasize the importance of members’ support for the new CLC ticket.
The episode then pivots to a detailed discussion of various ongoing problems, including the implementation of “one-hour office time,” “22-minute load times,” and “stationary events,” arguing that these policies, implemented through memos, are unsafe and damaging to carriers, citing Corey’s concern about worker safety. Corey asserts that these actions represent an abuse of power and a disregard for worker safety. He urges members to grieve such policies and to seek support from their business agents, and emphasizes the need for education regarding these issues. He directly blames the current union leadership for these issues, stating they are cowards and not doing their jobs. Corey encourages letter carriers to learn how to document these abuses for grievances and to file them. He stresses that carriers’ safety is paramount.
The episode ends with Corey providing specific financial information and details for members to donate to the CLC ticket, as well as information on an upcoming MDA car show. Corey expresses his deep commitment to the city letter carriers and his belief in a new, unified, and aggressive direction for the NALC.