This episode is a passionate rant about the NALC’s failure to adequately address management’s harassment and abuse of letter carriers. Corey expresses intense frustration with the current leadership, particularly President Renfroe, whom he accuses of cowardice and dishonesty. He criticizes Renfroe’s dismissive attitude towards concerns about carrier surveillance via GPS data and stationary event monitoring, arguing that Renfroe’s responses minimize the issue and fail to acknowledge the resulting bullying and intimidation.
Corey shares numerous examples of management’s actions, such as imposing arbitrary office time limits, issuing threatening scanner messages, and using GPS data to question carriers’ activities without conducting proper street supervision. He uses Brother Gates’ death as a prime example of management’s disregard for carrier safety and the union’s complicity in this disregard.
A significant portion of the episode is dedicated to criticizing an email from a labor relations representative that Corey deems callous and dehumanizing. The email argues that the union shouldn’t be responsible for carriers who disregard safety rules, using the example of a carrier being attacked by a dog for not carrying dog spray. Corey vehemently counters this argument, citing the union’s responsibility under Article 14 to provide safe working conditions and its obligation under Article 16 to defend employees against unjust discipline. He argues that the email reveals management’s lack of concern for carrier well-being.
Corey expresses anger at the union’s inaction on various issues (start time grievances, stationary events, etc.), blaming both the president and business agents for prioritizing self-preservation over member protection. He announces his intention to become a business agent and promises a more aggressive approach to defending carriers’ rights. The episode closes with an impassioned plea for a return to a more militant and member-focused union.