Episode 193: Back into 6-day counts

This episode continues the 6-day count education series, focusing on the detailed procedures and regulations outlined in the 2018 NALC Route Inspection Pocket Handbook. Corey begins with listener shout-outs, highlighting the contributions of several stewards and promoting the “Hot House with Richie Ray” podcast. He then discusses a recent arbitration win, emphasizing the importance of comprehensive case preparation and the need to challenge management’s attempts to manipulate data and impose arbitrary time limits.

The main part of the episode involves a detailed reading of sections from the 2018 NALC Route Inspection Pocket Handbook. Corey meticulously explains the procedures for route count inspections, emphasizing key aspects such as the requirements for unit and route reviews, dry run training, advance notice, and carrier consultations. He highlights the importance of meticulous documentation, accurate time recording, and assertive advocacy in challenging management’s actions during the inspection process, and he provides specific guidance on completing PS Forms 1838-C, 1840, and 3999, emphasizing the importance of recording all relevant information accurately and of utilizing line item entries effectively. Corey emphasizes the need to challenge management’s attempts to manipulate data and impose arbitrary time standards, specifically focusing on the calculation of office and street times, the use of auxiliary assistance, and the exclusion of Saturdays from the count on routes with abbreviated deliveries. He provides detailed instructions for navigating carrier consultations, emphasizing the importance of obtaining all relevant documentation and of actively participating in the process.

He discusses management’s attempts to circumvent established procedures, such as imposing unrealistic time limits, changing established work practices, and using intimidation tactics to pressure carriers into accepting under-time. He provides specific guidance on how to handle these situations and emphasizes the need to file grievances and challenge management’s attempts to circumvent established procedures and contractual obligations. He stresses the need to challenge management’s use of technology for surveillance and disciplinary actions, emphasizing the importance of understanding and utilizing M-1458 to challenge the use of GPS data as the sole basis for discipline.


The episode concludes with announcements regarding upcoming podcast guests (Charlie Miller and a planned episode on dealing with narcissistic behavior) and a call for continued member engagement and education. Corey reiterates his commitment to fighting for the city letter carriers and encourages listeners to utilize the provided resources to effectively prepare for upcoming 6-day counts. He emphasizes the importance of preparing for 6-day counts and of using them as an opportunity to challenge management’s actions and secure significant monetary remedies for carriers.


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