Episode 196: How to deal with Liars and those with Narcissistic Tendencies.

This episode focuses on strategies for dealing with chronic liars and individuals exhibiting narcissistic tendencies, particularly relevant in union grievance processes and arbitration hearings. Corey begins with a listener shout-out and promotes a vote-no rally against the tentative agreement. He then criticizes social media posts that attempt to downplay the severity of the tentative agreement by citing the postal service’s financial losses. He emphasizes the need for evidence-based arguments and challenges the assertion that arbitrators will automatically reject any substantial pay increase due to the postal service’s financial situation.

The main focus is on identifying and addressing the behaviors of chronic liars and narcissists, providing practical advice for union representatives. Corey emphasizes the importance of gathering irrefutable evidence to counter their claims, highlighting the effectiveness of using this evidence to challenge their statements and expose their dishonesty. He uses examples from his own arbitration experiences to demonstrate how to expose a liar’s contradictions and to effectively utilize evidence to discredit their testimony. He emphasizes the importance of not allowing oneself to be intimidated or sidetracked by their persuasive but ultimately untruthful narratives.

Corey then analyzes the recent handling of the charges against President Renfroe, highlighting Renfroe’s untruthfulness and lack of remorse, and the executive council’s failure to hold him accountable. He uses specific examples of Renfro’s dishonesty, such as his conflicting statements about the availability of meetings, his failure to apologize for his actions, and the misrepresentation of the numbers to make the TA look better, to illustrate the importance of having concrete evidence when confronting a narcissist. He then shifts to discussing the implications of the tentative agreement and the importance of mobilizing members to vote “no” in the upcoming ratification vote. He criticizes the lack of transparency around the tentative agreement’s details, the lack of member involvement in the negotiation process, and the apparent attempt by the leadership to downplay or dismiss member concerns.


Corey details the upcoming vote-no campaign and urges members to engage actively and to get involved. He promotes an upcoming episode on how to effectively communicate with narcissistic individuals and highlights several online resources for further information and education on grievance procedures and arbitration. He concludes with an impassioned plea for greater member engagement and a renewed commitment to fighting for a stronger, more representative union, and he emphasizes the need for increased militancy within the NALC to combat management’s manipulative tactics and to ensure the members’ needs and rights are prioritized.


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