Episode 204: The CCA Corner with Bad Mouth Morris: Volume 1

This introductory episode of CCA Corner features Badmouth Morris advocating for CCA organization and empowerment. He criticizes the current tentative agreement (TA) for neglecting CCAs and calls for their mobilization, particularly in the upcoming election. Morris stresses the importance of education and empowerment, aiming to provide digestible information about rights, union processes, and grievance procedures for newer CCAs. He highlights the need for solidarity between CCAs and regular carriers, emphasizing that change comes from the bottom up and that a unified front is crucial for challenging management and improving working conditions. Morris encourages mentorship and support for CCAs, urging experienced carriers to share knowledge and offer encouragement. Future episodes will address topics like surviving the first 90 days, common grievances, Weingarten rights, and escaping de facto on-call status, with topics crowdsourced from CCAs nationwide.


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