The Introduction

This is the first episode of Case File Building on YouTube by From A To Arbitration.  In this episode, we introduce ourselves and explain our vision for the channel.  We discuss:

  1. We demonstrate how to get to the NALC Website
  2. We demonstrate how to navigate the website and retrieve a JCAM and the ELM
  3. We demonstrate how to find specific issues using the Table of Contents and the Index
  4. We demonstrate how to use the Materials Reference System via the M-Number and through the Table of Contents and Index
  5. We also discuss the basic forms that should be in every single casefile and why

Here are the links to the Fillable Steward Forms: Contract RFI, Discipline RFI, Request for Steward Time, Request to Meet, Time Limits Extension.  Here is a link to the Shop Steward’s Guide.

Views: 111
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