
Episode 61: I know what you did. Discussing the new memos. M-1982 M-1984

This episode delves into Corey’s response to new USPS memos (M-01982 and M-01984) concerning route adjustments, connecting it to a past grievance experience. Corey recounts a previous grievance where he possessed damning evidence of management using covert surveillance techniques, but the case was inexplicably dropped by the union, which he believes was due to internal […]

Episode 61: I know what you did. Discussing the new memos. M-1982 M-1984 Read More »

Episode 60: A tainch of encouragement and dealing with management’s constant violations of the 12- and 60-hour rule. Let’s think outside the box here

Corey is discussing the 12 and 60-hour rule and how management is attempting to abuse it using new memos and the PET (Performance Engagement Tool) system. He stresses that the rule is absolute and that management cannot require carriers to work beyond those limits. Corey also discusses the importance of filing grievances when management tries

Episode 60: A tainch of encouragement and dealing with management’s constant violations of the 12- and 60-hour rule. Let’s think outside the box here Read More »

Episode 59: 1 year anniversary baby!! Dealing with PET. Making sure we are prepared to battle Management when they use PET

Corey celebrates the one-year anniversary of their podcast, “From A to Arbitration,” which focuses on educating letter carriers about their rights. They express gratitude to their guests and those who have supported them. The main topic of this episode is PET, a performance engagement tool used by management to estimate carriers’ daily workload and potentially

Episode 59: 1 year anniversary baby!! Dealing with PET. Making sure we are prepared to battle Management when they use PET Read More »

Episode 58: A conglomeration of route protection wonderfulness. Making sure we are getting every second we are due.

This episode focuses on route protection for letter carriers, specifically regarding the new scanners and the time standards associated with them. Corey discusses a PowerPoint presentation created by a fellow carrier, Steve Hedgecock, highlighting the problems with the new scanners and how they can be used to unfairly penalize carriers. He emphasizes that management is

Episode 58: A conglomeration of route protection wonderfulness. Making sure we are getting every second we are due. Read More »

Episode 57: The power of the 8190, the fangs of the jackal. Protecting our routes and other assorted goodies.

This episode focuses on protecting routes, addressing concerns about a new scanner’s performance and potential issues with timekeeping and delivery accuracy. Corey emphasizes the importance of shop stewards in filing grievances to counter management’s attempts to cut worker time and resources. Examples of recent scanner problems and managerial directives, such as a mandate against taking

Episode 57: The power of the 8190, the fangs of the jackal. Protecting our routes and other assorted goodies. Read More »

Episode 56: The rooster and the hens. Defeating the charge of AWOL on a non-scheduled day.

This episode focuses on the issue of being charged with AWOL (Absent Without Leave) on a non-scheduled day. Corey explains that this is an impossible situation because you cannot be charged with AWOL if you are not scheduled to work that day.   He also discusses the importance of documenting any interactions with management, especially

Episode 56: The rooster and the hens. Defeating the charge of AWOL on a non-scheduled day. Read More »

Episode 55: How to deal with a toxic co-worker. Protecting your flock

This episode focuses on the challenging topic of dealing with toxic coworkers in the workplace. Corey emphasizes that while addressing such issues is ideally management’s responsibility, shop stewards sometimes need to intervene to protect their “flock.” Corey highlights the Postal Service’s Policy on Workplace Harassment, specifically Publication 552, as a resource for understanding management’s obligations

Episode 55: How to deal with a toxic co-worker. Protecting your flock Read More »

Episode 54: Ergonomics, my foot and protecting our brothers and sisters from long term injury

This episode discusses ergonomics in the workplace, focusing on a 2014 grievance filed by Corey against management. Corey highlights the union’s efforts to implement ergonomic policies, contrasting them with management’s perceived disregard for worker safety, prioritizing cost-cutting over safety measures. The episode details numerous instances where management, despite agreements, failed to prioritize worker safety, leading

Episode 54: Ergonomics, my foot and protecting our brothers and sisters from long term injury Read More »

Episode 53: Paying homage to my mentor Lew Drass & the wolf James Henry. Dealing with heat related grievances: everything you’ll need to file a successful grievance against management.

This episode focuses on the importance of carrier safety, particularly in relation to heat-related illnesses. Corey starts by wishing a happy retirement to his mentor, Lou Drass, whom he considers a juggernaut in the union world. He emphasizes the importance of mentorship and the need for strong leadership within the union. Corey then dives into

Episode 53: Paying homage to my mentor Lew Drass & the wolf James Henry. Dealing with heat related grievances: everything you’ll need to file a successful grievance against management. Read More »

Episode 52: Rated MA, my heart, JB the dog trainer dealing with Dois, Pet, 3996 and red line policy.

This podcast episode features JB, who expresses concern about management overreach and emphasizes the importance of union education. JB criticizes management’s reliance on flawed data systems like DOIS and PET for evaluating worker efficiency and approving overtime requests. He encourages listeners to be aware of their rights, including the right to grieve unfair treatment and

Episode 52: Rated MA, my heart, JB the dog trainer dealing with Dois, Pet, 3996 and red line policy. Read More »

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