
Episode 182: My conversation with Rob and Calvin from Build a Fighting NALC (BFN)

This episode features Rob and Calvin from Build a Fighting NALC (BFN), discussing their movement and plans for the upcoming contract negotiations. They begin by recounting the successful contract rally held in Pasadena, highlighting the strong member participation and the role of BFN in providing organizational support. They emphasize that such rallies are crucial for […]

Episode 182: My conversation with Rob and Calvin from Build a Fighting NALC (BFN) Read More »

Episode 181: Let’s get into 6-day counts

This episode delves into the complexities of 6-day counts, providing a comprehensive analysis of several arbitration cases to equip listeners with the knowledge to effectively handle these situations. Corey begins with listener shout-outs, expressing gratitude for their support and highlighting the contributions of various members and branches. He then corrects a previous shout-out and discusses

Episode 181: Let’s get into 6-day counts Read More »

Episode 180: Mike Caref talking National Rap Session on Sunday 09/08/2024

This episode focuses on an upcoming nationwide rap session organized by Mike Caref to discuss the ongoing contract negotiations and strategize for a strong contract. Caref explains the session’s goals: to analyze any tentative agreement (if reached), to utilize the recently passed open bargaining resolution to improve transparency and member engagement, and to develop plans

Episode 180: Mike Caref talking National Rap Session on Sunday 09/08/2024 Read More »

Episode 179: Getting ready for the 6-day count, volume one

This episode focuses on preparing letter carriers for upcoming 6-day counts by providing in-depth analysis of several arbitration cases related to route adjustments and inspections. Corey begins by announcing plans for future episodes, including a multi-part series on 6-day counts and a new educational podcast series for the CLC. He expresses his gratitude to Mallory

Episode 179: Getting ready for the 6-day count, volume one Read More »

Episode 178: Question and answer period with ‘The Wolf’ James Henry

This episode features a question-and-answer session with James Henry, NALC vice president and CLC presidential candidate. Henry begins with a detailed introduction outlining his extensive experience within the NALC and the Marine Corps, emphasizing his commitment to service and his dedication to representing letter carriers. The Q&A section covers a range of topics. Henry expresses

Episode 178: Question and answer period with ‘The Wolf’ James Henry Read More »

Episode 176: A thank you

This episode is a heartfelt thank you to Corey Walton from JB, who expresses deep gratitude for Walton’s dedication and work on the From A to Arbitration podcast. JB begins with updates on his personal life and recent baseball coaching experiences. He then transitions to expressing his appreciation for Walton’s mentorship and support throughout his

Episode 176: A thank you Read More »

Episode 175: With Boston behind us, what does the future hold? My promise to you!

This post-convention episode of From A to Arbitration reflects on the NALC convention in Boston and looks ahead to future union activities. Corey begins by acknowledging the intensity of the convention and thanking several individuals for their support. He corrects a previous shout-out, noting that Corey Grott is not a listener or supporter of the

Episode 175: With Boston behind us, what does the future hold? My promise to you! Read More »

Episode 172: Boston day 2. Some shout outs and the Lions are running loose.

This episode recaps the second day of the NALC convention in Boston, focusing on the CLC’s activities and the overall atmosphere. Corey begins by highlighting the success of the CLC’s meet and greet and roundtable events, both of which were extremely well-attended, demonstrating strong member support for the movement. He encourages listeners to follow the

Episode 172: Boston day 2. Some shout outs and the Lions are running loose. Read More »

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