Episode 125: Salted Peanuts

This episode of From A to Arbitration is a passionate and critical analysis of the NALC’s current leadership and its handling of grievances. Corey begins by apologizing for the abbreviated format due to a technical issue, and previews upcoming episodes on emergency placement and clock ring falsification.

The episode pivots to a discussion of the perceived double standard between management’s treatment of letter carriers and the union’s response to documented grievances. Corey argues that the union contract, while intending to protect carriers, inadvertently safeguards management from accountability in many situations. He highlights a lack of proactive measures and education from union leadership, leading to a situation where carriers are being bullied.

He dissects specific examples of grievances, emphasizing how the union’s current approach fails to adequately address instances of management misconduct. Corey argues that management often attempts to dismiss grievances by claiming no financial harm occurred, contrasting this with the often significant and lasting harm faced by letter carriers due to unfair practices, intimidation, and harassment.

The episode’s core theme is a call for the union to adopt a more aggressive and militant stance against management’s abuse of power. He criticizes the union’s leaders for complacency and for not adequately educating letter carriers on their rights and how to challenge management’s actions. He uses specific examples like the falsification of time records (including heat illness training) and the implementation of new policies (like the “hour office time” rule) to demonstrate how management is gaining the upper hand.

Corey presents several recent B-team decisions as evidence of the union’s lack of assertiveness, lamenting the watered-down language that fails to adequately hold management accountable. He contrasts this with how he, as a representative, would approach these situations, advocating for a more militant and assertive strategy. He urges listeners to prepare for future challenges by educating themselves on their rights, using past arbitration decisions as a resource.


The episode concludes with a passionate call to action, urging members to support a new union leadership more committed to the needs of the city letter carriers. He emphasizes the need for a militant union with leaders who will proactively address management’s abuses and actively fight for the protection of their members.


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