Episode 128: Salted Peanuts

This episode of From A to Arbitration is a passionate discussion on the state of the NALC, focusing on the need for change, particularly within the union’s leadership. Corey begins by acknowledging technical difficulties with the audio and previews upcoming episodes focused on specific arbitration cases.

The episode centers on Corey’s frustration with the union’s current leadership and their handling of various issues, notably the lack of support for letter carriers. He criticizes the union for allowing management to dictate terms and for not adequately representing members’ concerns, notably those relating to grievances that Corey feels have been handled poorly.

Corey utilizes specific examples of recent arbitration cases and grievance settlements to highlight the issues with the union’s current leadership, particularly the perceived cowardice and a lack of proactive action against management’s tactics. He argues that the union’s current approach to negotiations, which he frames as overly cautious, is ultimately detrimental to letter carriers.

He advocates for a more militant and aggressive approach, calling on union leaders and members to prioritize the needs of city letter carriers. This includes demands for more proactive, educated stewards and business agents who understand the issues facing their members. He critiques a perceived prioritization of money-saving measures above the rights and needs of the carriers, arguing that a strong union would aggressively pursue all reasonable grievances.

Corey presents a series of examples, like a pre-arbitration settlement that doesn’t include cease and desist language, to support his claim that the union has allowed itself to be manipulated into less favorable terms. He uses the “art of war” metaphor to illustrate the current leadership’s failure to understand and confront the enemy (management) effectively. He also highlights instances where union leadership has not adequately investigated or supported members facing harassment or abuse, claiming these are further indicators of a weak and ineffectual union.


The episode concludes with a call for a new, militant union, urging the audience to vote for leaders who will fight for the letter carriers’ rights, and previews the upcoming episode on Act of God grievances. A key theme throughout is Corey’s deep dissatisfaction with the current state of the union and his advocacy for a fundamental change in leadership and strategy.

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