Corey recounts a recent trip to Brooklyn, NY, highlighting positive interactions with local branch leadership. He then announces upcoming interviews with Mike Caref and James Henry (after the NALC convention).
The core of the episode focuses on the NALC’s handling of the Article 10 charges against President Renfroe. Corey expresses his discontent with the outcome, arguing that the panel’s report was biased and omitted key evidence presented in the Weir report. He criticizes the panel for injecting ADA and FMLA defenses that were not raised by Renfroe or his attorney and points out inaccuracies regarding the testimony being under oath. An audio clip of a business agent, whose identity is protected, is played which reveals a pre-determined outcome in favor of Renfroe and a dismissive attitude towards Weir’s investigative work.
Corey then presents the unredacted panel report (23 pages), highlighting key findings and criticisms. Following that, he reads Chris Jackson’s rebuttal (9 pages), which argues that the panel erred in several aspects of their judgment, particularly in granting Renfroe retroactive leniency and overlooking the significance of his actions even when sober.
The remainder of the episode is devoted to highlighting numerous instances of management harassment and abuse of letter carriers through scanner messages, focusing on the imposition of unrealistic time constraints and the use of technology for intimidation. Corey emphasizes that this is all a result of the weak leadership provided by Renfroe and urges business agents and stewards to proactively defend their members, specifically providing templates and strategies to combat these tactics, especially during the summer heat. He closes with a passionate plea for stronger union leadership and a renewed commitment to fighting for the rights of city letter carriers.