Episode 170: Get in. We’re going motherfuckerin

This episode of From A to Arbitration focuses on the upcoming NALC convention in Boston and the ongoing fallout from the Renfroe charges. Corey begins by addressing the “From A to Arbitration Shirt Day” scheduling conflict and providing updates on the MDA raffle and t-shirt sales. He then reveals Butch Lau as his source for information about the TRAP memos and criticizes the memos’ design, arguing they intentionally opened the door for increased management surveillance of carriers.

Corey expresses anger over a letter from James Lloyd, which declares that heat illness prevention program (hip) training is not a contractual requirement and therefore not subject to grievance. He argues that this contradicts previous statements and actions by the USPS and highlights the ongoing falsification of hip training records. He then shares a memo from Manny Peralta highlighting the widespread falsification of hip training records and suggesting strategies for addressing this issue nationally. Corey criticizes Renfroe’s response to the issue, noting his continued deflection and unwillingness to take responsibility.

He then introduces Charlie Miller, who discusses Renfroe’s letter attempting to prevent the appeals of the charges from being heard at the convention. Miller argues that Renfroe’s interpretation of the constitution is incorrect and that the convention has the supreme authority to decide these appeals. He emphasizes the importance of allowing the membership to hear and decide on the charges. The discussion shifts to the issue of Renfroe’s lack of accountability, his apparent use of the ADA and FMLA defenses inappropriately, and his failure to apologize for his actions. Miller details his strong support for James Henry’s candidacy.

Miller discusses the importance of transparency in contract negotiations and advocates for open bargaining. He notes that the current secrecy surrounding negotiations has created a climate of distrust among members, and it harms the ability to organize and mobilize around clear demands. He criticizes the lack of member involvement in recent contract negotiations.

Corey introduces Mike Caref, who provides an update on the planned balloon release in honor of the murdered Chicago letter carrier and clarifies the circumstances surrounding the incident. They discuss the need for a stronger union presence and improved safety measures, including increased funding for postal police. Caref also discusses the upcoming CLC meet and greet and the importance of member mobilization at the convention.

Corey then introduces Gary Lang, who details Renfroe’s manipulation of the S&DC agreement to benefit a larger branch. Lang expresses frustration with the lack of response from both Renfroe and the business agent. He highlights the need for greater accountability within the union, and he mentions filing a charge against Renfroe.


The discussion shifts to the importance of member education and self-advocacy. Corey and guests discuss the need for stronger union leadership, increased member engagement, and a renewed commitment to fighting for better working conditions and wages. The episode concludes with Corey reiterating his commitment to fighting for the city letter carriers and encouraging members to attend the convention and get involved in the ongoing reform efforts.


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