This episode provides a recap of day three of the NALC convention in Boston, focusing on the appeals hearing for the Article 10 charges against President Renfroe. Corey begins with listener shout-outs and then discusses the CLC’s activities, highlighting the large turnout at both the meet-and-greet and the roundtable discussion. He also mentions the real-time convention updates being provided on Discord.
Corey details Gary Lang’s confrontation with Renfroe regarding the S&DC MOU, praising Lang’s effective questioning and exposure of Renfroe’s actions. He suggests Lang should file Article 10 charges against Renfroe for violating the MOU. Corey then discusses the “From A to Arbitration Shirt Day” and notes that some branch leaders attempted to prevent members from wearing the shirts, highlighting the level of anxiety within the establishment.
The account of the appeals hearing emphasizes the strong showing by the CLC and the passionate engagement of the delegates. Miller’s presentation focused on the procedural errors made by Renfroe in attempting to prevent the appeals from being heard. Corey analyzes Renfroe’s strategy during the hearing on the AWOL charge, noting his use of the alcoholism mitigating factor and his lack of remorse or apology. He highlights the fact that a significant portion of the delegates did not accept Renfroe’s alcoholism defense, indicating a lack of support for his position.
Corey anticipates the upcoming hearing on the charges relating to James Henry, predicting that Renfroe will have more difficulty defending himself as the alcoholism mitigating factor will be less relevant. He highlights the procedural irregularities and the potential for bias displayed during the hearings. He criticizes the actions of MBAs who attempted to influence the votes on the charges. Corey expresses optimism about the CLC’s success in achieving its goals, emphasizing the growing support amongst the rank and file and their determination to bring about meaningful change in the union.
The episode concludes with details on upcoming CLC events in Boston and a call for continued member engagement and action. Corey expresses excitement about the convention and reiterates his commitment to fighting for the city letter carriers.