This episode features a question-and-answer session with James Henry, NALC vice president and CLC presidential candidate. Henry begins with a detailed introduction outlining his extensive experience within the NALC and the Marine Corps, emphasizing his commitment to service and his dedication to representing letter carriers.
The Q&A section covers a range of topics. Henry expresses his support for creating user-friendly online training resources for NALC members and for allowing members to livestream or record union meetings. He discusses his plans to improve member education and communication, stressing the importance of leading by example and fostering a more unified union. He addresses accusations of falling asleep during meetings, citing personal and family issues as contributing factors. He defends his relatively low level of political action committee (PAC) contributions by emphasizing his extensive involvement in political activities beyond financial contributions. He also explains his decision to remain relatively quiet in the lead-up to the convention. He states his decision to remain relatively quiet prior to the convention was a conscious choice to avoid engaging in negativity and to maintain a focus on integrity and positive action.
Henry defends himself against allegations of misconduct from his early career, asserting his innocence and highlighting his subsequent successful career with the union and the Marine Corps. He details several instances where he actively worked to ensure fair treatment of letter carriers, highlighting two key arbitration cases which resulted in significant financial settlements for members who were victims of management misconduct. He details his role in reforming the NALC’s dispute resolution process to improve accountability.
He then discusses his plans for contract negotiations, emphasizing the need for transparency, accountability, and a more aggressive approach to bargaining with the USPS. He stresses the importance of keeping the negotiation process moving towards a timely resolution and avoiding the pitfalls of previous contract cycles. He addresses the need to mobilize rank and file members, outlining strategies to increase member engagement and participation, especially in voting and the grievance process. He expresses his opposition to using the grievance process for non-legitimate issues and strongly advocates for the use of cease-and-desist language in settlements.
Finally, he discusses the outcome of the Renfroe charges at the convention, emphasizing his belief that the membership should have the final say on such matters. He comments on the challenges of navigating union politics, the importance of building a united front, and his vision for a stronger, more member-focused NALC. The interview concludes with a commitment to continue fighting for the rights and well-being of letter carriers.