This episode focuses on preparing letter carriers for upcoming 6-day counts, providing a detailed review of relevant handbook provisions and arbitration decisions. Corey begins with listener shout-outs and an advertisement for Brookfield Uniforms, emphasizing his support for businesses that show a commitment to letter carriers. He then corrects a previous shout-out and shares additional shout-outs from listeners.
The main portion of the episode involves a comprehensive review of excerpts from several arbitration decisions related to route count inspections and adjustments. Corey highlights key aspects of each case, emphasizing recurrent issues such as management’s failure to follow established procedures, the importance of carrier input, and the methods for demonstrating overburdened routes. He particularly emphasizes the use of work hour workload reports to illustrate the impact of improper route adjustments. He stresses the need to use strong language in grievance settlements and highlights how arbitrators often consider carrier input in route adjustments and the inclusion of CCAs in remedy calculations.
Corey discusses several examples of management misconduct, including the practice of imposing unrealistic case time limits and taking unauthorized photographs of carriers’ cases. He provides detailed grievance templates, information requests, and contentions for addressing these issues. He emphasizes the importance of meticulous documentation, thorough investigation, and assertive advocacy to challenge management’s actions. The episode includes detailed explanations of how to complete PS Forms 1838c, 1840, and 3999, emphasizing the importance of recording all relevant information accurately and of utilizing line item entries effectively. He provides specific guidance on how to challenge management’s time deductions, emphasizing the need to document all activities and to maintain consistency in daily work practices during the inspection week. Corey repeatedly stresses the need to challenge management’s attempts to manipulate data and impose unrealistic time standards.
Corey promotes resources for handling 6-day counts, including podcasts and YouTube videos, and encourages members to actively seek training and education to become well-versed in the relevant procedures and regulations. He concludes by emphasizing the importance of using 6-day counts as an opportunity to punish management for their incompetence and secure significant monetary remedies for carriers. He encourages listeners to remain vigilant, to prepare for the challenges ahead, and to stand united in their fight for fair treatment.