Episode 186: Mr. Caref, we got your back. Teaching our NBAs how to fight. Getting back into 6-day counts

This episode delves deeper into the complexities of 6-day counts, providing detailed information and analysis to help letter carriers prepare for upcoming route inspections. Corey begins with listener shout-outs and an advertisement for Brookfield Uniforms, emphasizing the importance of supporting businesses that are supportive of letter carriers. He then discusses a recent arbitration where he successfully defended a carrier against disciplinary action based on inaccurate GPS data, highlighting the need to challenge management’s reliance on technology for performance evaluations.

The core of the episode involves a comprehensive review of several arbitration awards and a detailed explanation of the procedures and regulations outlined in the 2018 NALC Route Inspection Pocket Handbook. He stresses the importance of meticulous documentation, thorough preparation, and assertive advocacy in challenging management’s actions during 6-day counts, and he provides a detailed breakdown of the steps involved in the route inspection process, emphasizing the importance of carrier participation in consultations and the need to challenge improper time deductions and the use of averages in evaluating routes. Corey emphasizes the need to challenge management’s attempts to manipulate data and impose arbitrary standards, especially when those standards are derived from expired memos, such as the TRAP memos.

Corey discusses instances of management’s attempts to manipulate 6-day counts, such as imposing arbitrary office time limits, altering established work practices, and using intimidation tactics to pressure carriers into accepting under-time. He provides specific guidance on how to handle these situations, emphasizing the importance of filing grievances and challenging management’s attempts to circumvent established procedures and contractual obligations. He provides specific examples of grievances that can be filed, emphasizing the importance of challenging management’s use of scanner data for disciplinary actions and their attempts to impose arbitrary time limits on tasks and their use of local policies that contradict the national agreement. He highlights the critical role of shop stewards in educating carriers and ensuring their rights are protected and encourages members to actively challenge management’s actions during 6-day counts. He provides detailed information on how to complete PS Forms 1838c, 1840, and 3999, emphasizing the importance of recording all relevant information accurately, highlighting the need to challenge management’s attempts to use these forms for inappropriate disciplinary action.


The episode concludes with a discussion of the need for stronger union leadership and a more aggressive approach to combating management abuses. Corey criticizes the current leadership’s inaction on key issues and emphasizes the importance of member education and mobilization in achieving meaningful change within the NALC. He promotes several resources for handling 6-day counts and encourages listeners to utilize these resources to effectively prepare for upcoming inspections. The episode ends with a call to action for members to stand up against management’s abuses and to fight for their rights.


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