Episode 50: Defining mitigating factors. Grieving unsafe scanner messages.

This episode focuses on mitigating factors in grievances and a specific grievance related to unsafe scanner messages. Corey discusses the importance of worker safety, emphasizing that management’s concern for safety is often only apparent during arbitration proceedings. He highlights a new shop steward’s dedication and initiative, praising her approach to representing colleagues. Corey delves into the definition of mitigating factors, using personal anecdotes and examples from past grievances to illustrate factors such as a miscarriage, loss of a loved one, or an apology as potential mitigating circumstances. He emphasizes the importance of documenting these factors and utilizing them to support colleagues in need. The episode then transitions to a grievance concerning a recurring scanner message about taking approved rest breaks to combat the heat. Corey argues that this message, while seemingly innocuous, can potentially put workers in harm’s way by encouraging them to wait for “approved” breaks instead of taking breaks as needed in extreme heat. He details the steps taken to grieve the message, emphasizing the importance of filing grievances for any potential danger, specifically citing Article 14 of the National Agreement as the basis for the grievance, and advocating for further support and education among union members. The episode ends by encouraging listeners to be proactive in safeguarding their safety and the safety of their colleagues and highlighting Corey’s dedication to protecting fellow workers.

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