
Episode 71: Question and answer time with Executive Vice President Brian Renfroe.

A discussion between Corey and Brian Renfroe, executive vice president for the National Association of Letter Carriers. They discuss several topics, including: The new “TIAREAP” process: This new process uses GPS data to track and evaluate carriers’ routes, which has led to some conflict with carriers feeling watched. The upcoming contract negotiations: They discuss the […]

Episode 71: Question and answer time with Executive Vice President Brian Renfroe. Read More »

Episode 70: Special guest the honorable Mike Caref, Business agent region 3, rubber banded to my microphone. Topics cover non-compliance and failure to follow instructions

This episode features Mike Caref, Business Agent Region 3. Caref discusses remedies for non-compliance grievances and disciplinary actions for failure to follow instructions, particularly regarding mandatory overtime and NS days. He highlights a recent arbitration win (case #35858) in Chicago which established a $2,500 automatic penalty for future non-compliance with grievance settlements, cease and desist

Episode 70: Special guest the honorable Mike Caref, Business agent region 3, rubber banded to my microphone. Topics cover non-compliance and failure to follow instructions Read More »

Episode 69: Buster Douglas, the mirror and the note from the principal’s office. Effectively grieving Management not allowing us to case SPRs and Management attempting to hold us to 5 minutes pm office time.

This episode discusses two prevalent issues among postal workers: management’s imposition of a 5-minute PM office time limit and the prohibition of casing Special Handling Parcels (SPRs). Corey emphasizes the importance of diligently filing grievances against these directives, citing examples of both successful and unsuccessful cases. He advocates for a strong union stance, arguing that

Episode 69: Buster Douglas, the mirror and the note from the principal’s office. Effectively grieving Management not allowing us to case SPRs and Management attempting to hold us to 5 minutes pm office time. Read More »

Episode 68: The love affair. Effectively grieving management changing our start times.

This episode focuses on the grievance process regarding management’s practice of changing start times. Corey emphasizes the importance of a “searing, zealous, torrid love affair” for letter carriers among union representatives to effectively represent their needs. He laments the perceived failure of some union representatives to adequately address workers’ concerns, citing instances where grievances were

Episode 68: The love affair. Effectively grieving management changing our start times. Read More »

Episode 67: Beating the Red Line Policy (its coming to a station near you). Talking TIAREAP. A follow up to the knock and drop policy.

In this episode, Corey discusses TIAREAP and redline policy, two policies that affect mail carriers and their routes. He gives a detailed explanation of TIAREAP and reads a document from a friend about it, outlining the process, the use of digital street review (DSR), and the various events that are automatically deducted or flagged. He

Episode 67: Beating the Red Line Policy (its coming to a station near you). Talking TIAREAP. A follow up to the knock and drop policy. Read More »

Episode 65: JB goes in depth about the grievance procedure/process, CCAs doing rural carrier work, the workhour workload report

This podcast episode focuses on the importance of union stewards and their role in protecting the rights of city letter carriers. JB discusses the grievance procedure, highlighting the different steps involved, from informal meetings to arbitration. This episode also addresses the issue of CCA’s (City Carrier Assistants) being assigned to perform rural carrier work, emphasizing

Episode 65: JB goes in depth about the grievance procedure/process, CCAs doing rural carrier work, the workhour workload report Read More »

Episode 64: Humbled, Branch 11 ‘The Beautiful ones’, why I do what I do aka the mechanic, my eviction notice, tidbits and City/Rural disputes

Corey discusses the importance of union stewards, the difficulties of dealing with management, and the ongoing battle between city and rural carriers. He emphasizes the need for education among city letter carriers and encourages them to stand up for their rights. Corey also talks about his personal experience with blood clots and how this led

Episode 64: Humbled, Branch 11 ‘The Beautiful ones’, why I do what I do aka the mechanic, my eviction notice, tidbits and City/Rural disputes Read More »

Episode 63: Midweek surprise. Making sure we are grieving unsafe scanner messages and other tidbits

This episode is a midweek edition focusing on urgent safety concerns. Corey addresses a nationwide scanner message stating “When possible, take approved rest breaks to beat the heat.” He strongly urges listeners to grieve this message every time they see it, calling it “deadly” because it implies carriers are limited to scheduled breaks, which is

Episode 63: Midweek surprise. Making sure we are grieving unsafe scanner messages and other tidbits Read More »

Episode 62: The good, the bad, the ugly. M-01983

This episode delves into a lengthy discussion of the M-01983 memo, which outlines the Technology Integrated Alternate Route Evaluation and Adjustment Process (TIEREAP). Corey begins by addressing listener feedback on his previous episode, emphasizing his dedication to the NALC and his desire for fair representation of letter carriers. He then transitions to the memo, detailing

Episode 62: The good, the bad, the ugly. M-01983 Read More »

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