
Episode 81: I forgot. Salted Peanuts

The episode features a collection of anecdotes and advice for postal workers navigating labor disputes with management. Corey emphasizes the importance of union solidarity and aggressive representation, illustrating his points with stories of management lying about employee infractions and manipulating disciplinary procedures. He encourages listeners to be proactive in challenging management claims, offering strategies for […]

Episode 81: I forgot. Salted Peanuts Read More »

Episode 80: JB and an ode to a good friend. JB goes in depth about quarterly overtime grievances. From the From A to Arbitration team, Merry Christmas happy holidays and we will talk to yall next year.

JB explains in great detail how to interpret local overtime records and file a grievance if overtime has not been distributed equitably among employees. He emphasizes the importance of thorough documentation, careful analysis of clock rings, and understanding the contractual obligations of both management and employees. Interspersed with this technical information are heartfelt expressions of

Episode 80: JB and an ode to a good friend. JB goes in depth about quarterly overtime grievances. From the From A to Arbitration team, Merry Christmas happy holidays and we will talk to yall next year. Read More »

Episode 79: The distinguished Mr. John Poskin educating us on grieving transfer denials.

The episode features a guest speaker, John Poskin, a union steward with extensive experience in handling transfer grievances. Poskin provides a detailed explanation of Article 12 of the National Agreement, which outlines the process for employee transfer requests within the Postal Service. He emphasizes the importance of “full consideration” of an employee’s work history, attendance

Episode 79: The distinguished Mr. John Poskin educating us on grieving transfer denials. Read More »

Episode 78: Defeating the hour office time; a short literary composition expository in nature authored by Richard Ray and Sean Killeen

A letter carrier, Richie Ray, successfully grieved a new policy that imposed a blanket 60-minute office time for all carriers, regardless of mail volume. The grievance argued that this policy violated multiple articles of the National Agreement and disregarded established postal handbooks and manuals. Here’s a breakdown of the key points: The grievance cited specific

Episode 78: Defeating the hour office time; a short literary composition expository in nature authored by Richard Ray and Sean Killeen Read More »

Episode 76: The Shepherd Mike Caref going behind the scenes on upcoming contract negotiations

In this episode, Corey talks about contract negotiations with a guest, Mike Caref. Corey then goes over the 2023 contract negotiations, talking about the changes that have been made since the 2019 contract negotiations. They discuss pay, full-time assignments, mandatory overtime, transfers, work schedules, and contract compliance. Mike gives his perspective on these issues, and

Episode 76: The Shepherd Mike Caref going behind the scenes on upcoming contract negotiations Read More »

Episode 75: Trapping a lion. Julio Cesar Chavez. Grieving Management removing our hard plastic trays from our cases

Corey discusses a grievance filed in 2014 regarding the placement of hard plastic trays used for mail delivery. Management instructed carriers to store the trays away from their cases, contradicting past practice and the M-39 handbook. The grievance, supported by the union, argues that management is violating Articles 3, 5, 15, and 19 of the

Episode 75: Trapping a lion. Julio Cesar Chavez. Grieving Management removing our hard plastic trays from our cases Read More »

Episode 74: My Dad, a removal, is your business agent a shepherd or a sheepherder? Dealing with relevancy letters.

Corey discusses relevancy letters, removals, and formal step A meetings. He emphasizes the importance of the formal step A process as a critical juncture for building a strong case. Corey recounts a recent conversation with a carrier facing a removal, highlighting the importance of thoroughly understanding the controlling documents and asking clarifying questions to ensure

Episode 74: My Dad, a removal, is your business agent a shepherd or a sheepherder? Dealing with relevancy letters. Read More »

Episode 72: JB, the expert, dealing with Management performing craft work. An expert doing expert things as only an expert can.

This episode is a discussion about how to identify and grieve violations of the union contract when a 204-B supervisor is performing bargaining unit work. Corey emphasizes the importance of keeping detailed records and using resources like the JCAM and DOIS reports to build a strong case. They also encourage viewers to get involved in

Episode 72: JB, the expert, dealing with Management performing craft work. An expert doing expert things as only an expert can. Read More »

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